I Can't Say Enough About Your Plexifairing3™

"I can't say enough about your Plexifairing3™ windshield! I started from home, thinking I would take a short run to see how the shield holds up. I am into Pascal's Law and I thought for sure this windshield would not hold up at higher speeds. I was wrong! Somehow amidst the pounds of force that the wind whips up, this shield gracefully held up and dished it out! Dude! It's 50 degrees here in Illinois. And I had no gloves! I never thought that I would see this day. This shield turned my motorcycle into a pup!


"Without 'wind fatigue' at first, I almost got into trouble with the law. It felt like 25 when I was doing 50. I had to watch the speedometer more. This is my second year on a bike and I wish I had a windshield for the first year! By the way, I ride year-round. Screw the temperature. If the road is mostly empty of snow, I ride and go Gung Ho!"

~ George Gatzonis